The German architect Ernst Ziller in 1875 bought an undeveloped area in the region of the uninhabited Alexandras Square, where he rebuilt in 1877 a series of 7 mansions. The first mansion was used by King George I and Queen Olga as a summer house. In the second house...
In 1875 the German architect Ernst Ziller built a district of luxurious mansions in the Kastella area. The project was completed in 1877 and became known as “Ziller District” or otherwise “Mansion District”. Of these houses on the eastern side...
At the junction of Moutsopoulou Coast and Syraggiou Street in Pasalimani, in the basement of an apartment building, remnants of the ancient ship sheds of Zea, which constituted the oldest public buildings of Piraeus, are preserved. In Zea the ship sheds were divided...
It is a two-story building with an elevated ground floor, basement and roof, which occupies part of the surface of the second floor. The morphology of the sides is quite interesting, where double-height piers with a simple impost are formed in the corners. On the...
It is a two-story building with a semibasement, which has recently been restored and is used as a dining area. Its faces, on Angelou Metaxa Street (facade) and on Voulgari Street, display morphological elements that clearly refer to Neoclassicism. The openings are...