Archaeological Museum of Piraeus and archaeological site

The Archaeological Museum of Piraeus was founded in 1966 as an extension of the old one and opened its doors to the public in 1981. It is housed in a two-story building, which flanks the Hellenistic Theater of Zea on the west and south sides. Its exhibition spaces...

Old Archaeological Museum of Piraeus

The building of the old Museum was built in 1935 on the north side of the Hellenistic Theater of Zea. It consists of an original section, built around the end of the 19th century and an addition completed in two phases in the first decades of the 20th century. The...

Greek Evangelical Church of Piraeus

The building of the Evangelical Church dominates Gladstonos Street, where an archway is formed with piers of double height. A bell tower with a clock rises at the junction of Gladstonos and Perikleous Streets.

Building at 47 Ir. Polytechniou Avenue Street

It is a three-story building with decorative elements that refer to influences from Eclecticism. Shops are housed on the ground floor and the offices of the Piraeus Bar Association are located on the first floor. The main entrance is placed centrally in relation to...

Building at 51 Ir. Polytechniou Street

It is a three-story building with a mezzanine on the ground floor and with obvious influences from Eclectic standards. Characteristic is the elongated metal canopy, which covers the entire length of the view. The balconies on the facade, both on the first and second...

Residence of shipowner K. Rasogiannis

It is a three-story building with a large courtyard, owned by the Municipality of Piraeus, located in the building block defined by 91 Iroon Polytechniou, 14 Kantharou and Kalliga Avenues, in the Vryoni district. It was built in the last decade of the 19th century and...