Building at 151 Karaiskou Street


It is a three-story building with an elevated ground floor and a basement that has a main entrance at 151 Karaiskou Street. The facade of the building is clearly characterized by the typical neoclassical organization of base, main body and crown; however, it displays interesting morphological elements, which partially refer to late neoclassicism with influences from eclecticism. The external surface of the ground floor is plastered and bears architrave beads, referring to isodomic construction. The surface of the first floor varies stylistically. The openings are surrounded with decorative frames adorned with rosettes, along with a projecting cornice with dentils. The austere first floor balcony has a balustrade with decorations reminiscent of Art Deco forms. What is impressive is the lintel with the decorative figures of two winged young men. The second floor differs morphologically and is a later addition.

Building identity


Βuilding on the map
