Urban Gates of ancient Piraeus


The Urban Gates of Piraeus is one of the most important archaeological finds of Piraeus, as they constituted the ancient entrance to the city, through the two ancient cobbled streets that connected Athens with its military and commercial port. One road was outside the Long Walls and led to the Ancient City Gate, while the second developed through them.
After the construction of the Southern part of the Long Walls by Pericles, the need for building the Middle Gate arose, to facilitate communication with Athens in the event of a siege. The two monumental Gates were reinforced through towers and were developed in the form of a double arched Gateway. The area of the two Gates is defined around the current 34 Syntagmatos Pezikou Avenue, where their ruins are visible. The Middle Gate has been unearthed in its entirety, as well as part of the northern ground wall of the ancient Piraeus fortification, a work designed by Themistocles at the end of the 5th century B.C.
In the days of dictatorship during the mayoralty of Ar. Skylitsis the area was crushed and then divided, resulting in significant destruction of the archaeological site.

Building identity


Βuilding on the map
