It is a three-story corner building with morphological elements that refer to the neoclassical style. A projecting cornice with bands and moldings at floor level separates the ground floor from the first floor and respectively the first from the second floor....
It is a two-story building from the beginning of the 20th century with obvious morphological elements of the neoclassical style, as its faces are characterized by the tripartite organization of base, main body and crown. It has an elevated stone-built basement and is...
The building at 36 2nd Merarchias Avenue and Moutsopoulou Coast is known as “Strigos Mansion”, as it was purchased in 1917 by the merchant/banker/politician Georgios Strigos (1878-1956). The Strigos Mansion is spread over two floors and the exterior design...
The Chatzikyriakeio Childcare Foundation is located in the homonymous district that extends to the southeast of the city of Piraeus. It is housed in a large three-story neoclassical building with a basement, including classrooms, dormitories, administration areas and...
During the construction work of the Piraeus Courthouse in 1980, in Rontiri Square of the Terpsithea district, remains of a residential block were found, dating from the Late Classical to Byzantine times. Three of the four houses of the Hippodamian block and the narrow...