Old Archaeological Museum of Piraeus


The building of the old Museum was built in 1935 on the north side of the Hellenistic Theater of Zea. It consists of an original section, built around the end of the 19th century and an addition completed in two phases in the first decades of the 20th century. The building displays morphological elements of eclecticism, with the main features being the facade with the arched main entrance. Pilasters with a simple impost decorate the entrance, which displays an elevation with a gabled roof in relation to the two sections on either side. A band of decorative dentils crowns the three oblong openings on either side. It became the main Museum of the Ephorate of Antiquities of Attica and from 1960 collected findings from the excavations in Piraeus, the rest of Attica and the Argo-saronic islands. Today it is used as a sculpture warehouse.

Building identity


Βuilding on the map
