PPA Passenger Station


The PPA Passenger Station was designed by Architects Yannis Liapis and Ilias Skroubelos, in collaboration with Konstantinos Vogiatzis, Christos Iakovidis and Aristidis Romanos. The building is developed on three main levels, while in between there is an intermediate level (mezzanine). Vertical transports were done through staircases and electric escalators – they were the first in Greece – while the transport of goods was made through conveyor belts. The volume of the building is covered by a uniform curved roof of reinforced concrete, which is suspended from thirteen pillars-masts via metal cables. Exposed reinforced concrete dominates the entire building, including the roof, pillars and staircases. The construction of the Station shaped a degraded part of the port area, namely the “Karvouniarika”, where a large number of refugees had settled and lived there in wooden shacks, as well as the urban front of the district of Hydraioi and the coasts of Miaoulis and Xaverios. Its use by PPA services ceased in 1996.

Building identity


Βuilding on the map
