It is a three-story building with prominent neoclassical elements. Its face towards Hatzikyriakou Street follows strict symmetry on a central axis. The openings are flanked by piers with architraves. The balcony on the first floor rests on marble corbels and bears a...
It is a four-storey neoclassical building, which displays morphological elements of the late Neoclassical style of the 1920s. The openings on the faces are arranged symmetrically and are adorned with elaborate decorative designs on the lintel, which refer to...
It is a neoclassical two-story building with a balcony, which has an elaborate railing with marble corbels and decorations. The building is angular and its faces exhibit axes of symmetry. It includes two independent residences, one on Retsina Street and one on Agiou...
It is a three-story building with neoclassical-like elements, such as the horizontal bands that adorn the face of the first floor at floor level, as well as the edge of the roof eave. The openings on the first floor are crowned with a curvilinear pediment, which...
It is an abandoned two-story neoclassical building with a balcony on the first floor, which has an ornate railing with marble corbels and decorations. There was an auto body shop on the ground floor. Few extant cornices remain on the crown cornice.
It is a two-storey corner neoclassical building with prominent neoclassical features such as horizontal cornices, mullioned windows along with wooden French shutters, horizontal bands running across the faces at floor level and a projecting roof eave crowning the...